Rutgers-Led MACH Group Visits Rutgers University Marine Field Study

Zoë Linder-Baptie2023

In August of this year, Lisa Auermuller, the Administrative Director of the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub, led a group of 17 graduate students, postdocs, and staff on a week-long tour of New Jersey’s diverse shorelines. As part of the tour, the group visited the Rutgers University Marine Field Station (RUMFS), and heard from Director Oscar Schofield about RUMFS’ history, future endeavors, and ongoing lessons with the facility’s own climate adaptation. The diverse group of participants brought their own expertise in many different climate adaption topics: coastal hazards, municipal finance, hazard exposure, risk communication, households, diversity and equity, and climate decision making. During the week, they interacted with a variety of stakeholders across the NJ coastal zone to hear and see firsthand about the variety of resilience challenges and opportunities.

Rutgers University is the lead on a 5-year, $20 million National Science Foundation Award funded by the Coastlines and People (CoPe) program. The Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (pronounced MOCK) is made up of 13 universities and institutions from around the US. See original post here.